6300 NW 31st Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
P: 954-202-7000
Civil Engineers | Project Managers |
Land Planning | Landscape Architecture (LA6666871)

TEG HAS accumulated hundreds of years of experience in assessing and evaluating infrastructure for purposes of innovative design. This experience and training allows us to provide…
Due Diligence / Site Investigations
Master Planning and Engineering
Site Design and Construction Documents
Site Development Plans
Zonning / Entitlements
Cost Estimating / Value Engineering
Land Development Site Plan Preparation
Land Planning
Streets and Highway Design
Roadway Design
Pavement Marking and Signage Design
Water Management Design and Permitting
Water and Sewer Systems Design
Storm Water Management Facility Design
Floodplain Modeling
Municipal engineering
Site Grading & Drainage Design and Permitting
Engineering Reports and Evaluations
Earthwork Calculations
Pump Station Design and permitting
Public Hearing Testimony
Jurisdictional Approval Coordination
Contract Administration
Regulatory Permit Approval Coordination